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Unfortunately, some countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, do not offer pediatric liver transplants for those children in need, condemning hundreds of them with liver disease to an early death.
In Fundahigado America we are focused on bringing change to that situation through onsite education to local doctors.
Our goal is to provide training, education, and guidance to local healthcare personnel in those countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
FHA is working on the development of an online platform where the first phases of the course can be carried out.
If you are a doctor / medical institution / country interested in opting for this training please write to contact@fundahigadoamerica.org
FundaHigado America training and educational program for local medical staff is expected to be completed 3 years after its commencement date. By then, pediatric liver transplantation by living donor programs are expected to operate on their own.
Thanks to the training program carried out by FundaHigado America, dozens of children have an opportunity to live.
In FundaHigado America we work to Bring Hope to all the children in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean.
If you would like to support this program please visit our CSTL Giving Page by clicking here
For more information send us an email or reach us (or contact us) in social media.