
Fundahigado America


Fundahigado America was founded in 2011. It is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)3 created with the purpose of promoting efforts to train healthcare professionals to provide medical treatment for liver disease in undercover areas of the Americas and Caribbean region.


Our Story

Children with liver disease in Caracas, Venezuela had no hope for treatment; here is how in 2004 we changed that.


What does FHA work for

We train health care professionals in Central America, South America and the Caribbean.


Our Impact

Read more about our success cases.





Help us keep saving lives.



2.291 clinic visits attended since 2010


A medical training and virtual assistance app for pediatric liver diseases including liver transplant.

Aimed at health professionals and patients:

Doctors: will obtain high-level training for medical care for pediatric liver diseases, specifically, those requiring pediatric liver transplantation.

Patients: You can receive virtual medical assistance for pediatric liver diseases.

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Making the knowledge and training associated with pediatric liver transplantation accessible to medical centers in underprivileged countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.


To donate any other desired amount, please visit donate

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Making the knowledge and training associated with pediatric liver transplantation accessible to medical centers in underprivileged countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Dianny had already had 4 episodes of heavy bleeding, she could have died of bleeding of the esophageal varices she had or due to her liver which was already completely cirrhotic.

The best thing I could do as her mother, who gave her life, was to improve hers. I wasn’t able to do this before. She was born with this problem, and as her mother I was able to cure her by giving her a piece of my liver. Now she is perfect.


After having it done I felt a lot better, and I´ve always felt normal since. I was always afraid of the transplant, I didn´t know how I would respond or what was going to happen and after having it done I felt a lot better, and I´ve always felt normal since, I have not had any issues.


I invite everyone who can be a donor to not be afraid.

At the beginning before the surgery I was really afraid even though I had read a lot about it. For me it’s a big emotion to give life to another life. I invite everyone who can be a donor to not be afraid.



Making the knowledge and training associated with pediatric liver transplantation accessible to medical centers in underprivileged countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Explore how fundraising makes liver transplants accessible, alleviates financial burdens, and improves patient outcomes and quality of life. By emphasizing the human aspect and employing effective fundraising strategies, we can …

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Explore the transformative journey of liver transplant patients, from the initial diagnosis to the life-changing transplant surgery.

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Explore the vital role of the liver in digestion, detoxification, immune function and overall health, understanding its functions and implications for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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Explore the liver’s functions and learn to identify and manage complications. Discover modern treatments to preserve liver health and your overall well-being.

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A healthy organ from a living donor can transform the life of someone in need. World Transplant Day reminds us of the importance of living-donor organ donation, especially for liver …

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This article sheds light on the connection between chronic liver diseases and mental health, highlighting the critical need for psychological support. Discover how to address these challenges and improve patients’ …

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This article highlights the significance of World Cancer Day and addresses liver cancer, emphasizing the importance of prevention and advanced treatments in this global battle against cancer.

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Cirrhosis is a severe liver disease characterized by liver scarring. This article covers its causes, symptoms, and available modern treatments, offering a comprehensive view of managing this complex condition.

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Explore nutritious and delicious recipes to boost your immune system. These dishes combine flavor and health, perfect for caring for your body.

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Hepatitis a viral disease affecting the liver, and understanding its modes of transmission is crucial to prevent its spread

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Gluten, a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, and rye, has gained attention in the field of liver health.

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The liver, that vital organ responsible for processing nutrients and filtering toxins, can be affected by various diseases

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In Latin America and the Caribbean, there are children fighting liver diseases without access to the medical care they deserve. At Fundahiagdo America, we provide hope to these children by …

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Hepatitis is a viral disease that affects the liver and can have serious health consequences if not managed properly.

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The liver, a vital organ that plays a fundamental role in the detoxification and metabolism functions of the human body, can sometimes present serious challenges in its functioning.

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Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the liver, unrelated to alcohol consumption. Its prevalence has increased in recent years due …

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Liver cancer is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. As with any medical condition, there are numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding liver cancer that can lead to …

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The liver, often referred to as the body’s multitasking marvel, is a vital organ that performs a wide range of essential functions. From detoxification to metabolism regulation, the liver plays …

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Fatty liver, known in medical terms as hepatic steatosis, is a condition in which the liver accumulates excess fat. Although this problem can be triggered by a variety of causes, …

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Cholesterol, a crucial lipid molecule, plays a significant role in various bodily functions. Although often associated with heart health, its connection to the liver is equally important. Understanding the relationship …

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Alcohol consumption is a prevalent aspect of social gatherings and relaxation for many individuals. However, excessive and prolonged alcohol intake can lead to severe health issues, including liver damage. The …

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Liver infection, also known as hepatitis, is a serious condition that can have various causes. Understanding the symptoms and common causes of liver infections is crucial for early detection and …

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Did you know that World Hepatitis Day (WHD) is commemorated yearly? If you want to know more about the subject, continue reading!

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Liver fibrosis is a condition that affects the liver, leading to the development of scar tissue. In this article, we will explore all about it, its symptoms, and the different …

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A well-planned diet plays a crucial role in managing fatty liver disease. By making informed dietary choices, individuals can support their liver health and improve their overall well-being. In this …

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Fatty liver and mild steatosis Liver health is essential for the proper functioning of our body. Fatty liver is a common condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in liver …

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Viral hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver that can be caused by different viruses, such as hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses. These viruses can severely …

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Hepatic encephalopathy is a serious complication that can affect people with liver disease. In this article, we will explore what hepatic encephalopathy is, its stages, how it is classified and …

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What are the values of the liver function test? The liver function test is a blood test that evaluates how well the liver is functioning. It provides crucial information about …

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The article Caracas to Santo Domingo: Creating Access to Pediatric Liver Transplant from the Ground, Up, from the Department of Surgery at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, tells the story …

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Liver cysts are a common condition that affects many people around the world. In this article, we are going to talk about what liver cysts are, why they come out, …

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The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body and is vital for our proper functioning. Because of this, more and more people are wondering how …

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Liver diseases are those associated with the liver, which somehow impair its normal functioning. Various causes can lead to deteriorating liver health, such as viruses, obesity, hereditary factors, excessive alcohol …

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Bad breath is a condition that usually causes insecurity to people who suffer from it. However, it can be an alert to a malfunction in our liver. Some somewhat advanced …

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Liver cancer is the sixth most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer death worldwide. It is important to recognize the signs of this liver disease and its …

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he liver is an organ that can present complications but not generate noticeable symptoms in the short term for people. For this reason, it is important to keep up to …

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Discover what high bilirubin consists of and learn, in a very simple way, the important aspects of this pathology such as its cause and detection

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Liver diseases can sometimes be silent, but this could generate an even more serious condition for the organ. Therefore, it is important to take into account the signs that our …

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Liver diseases are not only caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. An abnormal gene inherited from one or both parents can cause various substances to accumulate in the liver, resulting in …

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Do you have spots on your skin and don’t know how they appeared? This is caused by many reasons, but one of them could be related to liver function. Spots …

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The liver is a complex organ, but it is necessary to know its function within our body in order to take the required care and avoid suffering from liver diseases …

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Liver disease can be difficult to detect because of the lack of symptoms that are usually present in most people. According to a recent study, 6% to 7% of the …

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Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Inflammation is a swelling that occurs when body tissues become injured or infected. This can affect the proper functioning of your liver and …

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Symptoms of liver disease can be difficult to detect, often people do not know they have a liver problem unless something is diagnosed during tests for another reason. It is …

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Alcoholic beverages can cause different negative reactions in our body, from the feeling of hangover to diseases that can compromise our health. The liver is an organ that can be …

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Eating habits are great indicators of the health of our liver. The better our diet is, the better this important organ will function. At the same time, there are a …

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Some drugs we take can be harmful to the health and function of the liver. Generally, the liver may have problems from a drug but may not show signs of …

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Although Crohn’s disease does not occur directly in the liver, it is important to take it into account since its symptoms such as inflammation of the digestive tract and malnutrition …

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A healthy liver is the reflection of a good diet and a healthy life in general, therefore, it is necessary to know some practices that can be implemented on a …

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Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is one of the diseases that frequently appears in overweight people. Here we will know the risks of suffering from the disease …

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Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is one of the diseases that is occurring with increasing frequency and manifests itself as excess abdominal fat in overweight people. Years …

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Budd-Chiari syndrome, also known as hepatic vein obstruction, is a condition that prevents the cycle in which blood leaves the liver and returns to the heart The syndrome occurs as …

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“Hepatomegaly” or inflamed liver is an abnormality consisting of enlargement of the organ in question. This condition could represent liver disease, congestive heart failure, or cancer. The liver is one …

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The portal vein is responsible for draining blood from various organs to the liver, it is responsible for hepatic venous circulation. After conducting blood to the liver, nutrients are processed there …

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The biopsy performed on the liver is a process by which the specialist extracts a sample of the organ so that it can be subjected to different studies and obtain …

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One of the most common causes of liver failure is hepatitis or excessive consumption of medications.

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Gilbert’s syndrome is a genetic disease, is inherited from parents and affects bilirubin levels in the bloodstream.

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Cholangitis could be the consequence of choledocholithiasis, which is the presence of stones in the bile ducts.

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This condition is also known as neonatal cytomegalovirus/hepatitis B/C and others.

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Preventing liver diseases is an important step to be healthy, that’s why nutrition is fundamental in the process.

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Cysts are lesions whose content is liquid, and are called hepatic when they are lodged in the liver area.

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Drinks with a high sugar content promote the development of fatty liver, in addition to increasing the production of lipids in the organ. People usually link fatty liver disease only …

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Liver transplants will only happen in cases where other treatments have not worked positively for the patient and the damage to the organ is irreversible.

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It is a hereditary condition that can affect different vital organs, including the brain and liver.

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The exact cause of autoimmune hepatitis is unknown, but genetic factors influence the condition.

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The signals given by the skin can tell a lot about the body and how it is doing

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This type of cancer is the seventh most common cancer in the female gender.

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This disease is an infection that causes liver damage, and different types of viruses are responsible for this condition. The types of infections can be acute or chronic.

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This is cholestasis of pregnancy, a liver disorder that can occur during late pregnancy.

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When contracting dengue fever, dehydration occurs, however, there are other consequences of this virus, such as causing damage to organs such as the liver and lungs. Most severe symptoms occur …

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The liver is in charge of eliminating toxins from the blood. It also secretes bile, which allows fats to be broken down in the small intestine throughout the digestive process.

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Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory condition, directly affecting the digestive system.

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To know the possible treatments that work against fatty liver, you must first know what it is and what causes it.

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Toxic hepatitis is caused by consuming substances that affect the liver, such as alcohol; however, this condition can also be caused by the ingestion of some medications.

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Excessive alcohol consumption can have serious consequences for the liver, however, fatty liver disease can also occur without a history of substance abuse.

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For almost two years the world has been going through a pandemic, which was caused by the SARS-CoV 2 virus. In this situation it was revealed that those with underlying …

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The liver is one of the most important organs of the body, as it helps cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances, so maintaining a healthy diet is …

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Many know the name of this disease, hepatitis B, but the reality is that few know in detail what happens in the body when such a liver infection is contracted.

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Home care is a fundamental part of the recovery of patients with hepatitis to prevent liver damage. These are simple and only require a few changes.

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One of the best ways to consume more vegetables and fruits is through healthy salads, which contain a variety of nutrients and vitamins.

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A complete recovery from hepatitis can be achieved depending on the type and extent of the disease if these guidelines are followed.

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We know that fruits are the best complements in a healthy diet but there are some harmful fruits that we should consume in moderation.

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Learn about liver failure and its relationship to the fatty liver diet.

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Most of the recommendations for liver care and for patients suffering from particular liver diseases is to eat a balanced diet rich in vegetables and fruits. However, this does not mean that, …

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Having a Hepatitis Diet helps prevent and treat non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

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The first meal of the day is very important for the body to function optimally, so it is important to have healthy and nutritious breakfasts.

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Learn about inflamed liver and its relationship to fatty liver disease.

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Learn about liver transplantation, a procedure where the damaged liver is replaced.

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Liver diseases can be aggravated if we consume foods that damage the liver, so we must avoid them to maintain optimal health

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A smart and healthy way to consume the nutrients needed to cleanse the liver is through juices or drinks that contain them.

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Planning a meal plan with liver-healthy meal recipes is one of the best ways to protect your liver and saves time in the process.

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Among the foods that can help protect against liver disease, fruits and nuts are among the best for the liver.

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Learn about fatty liver disease, its types, risk factors, and how to prevent it

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Among the main conditions to prevent the development of liver diseases is to eat foods to maintain a healthy liver.

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Cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic disease that requires special care in the diet of patients to improve their condition.

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Living a normal life with hereditary hemochromatosis is possible if you adopt some habits that can help you maintain better health.

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Learn all about the diseases that cause liver cancer and avoid exposing yourself to these risks.

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Learn more about hepatitis and debunk the most common myths about this disease.

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Learn about Gaucher disease and learn, in a very simple way, the important aspects of this pathology such as its cause and treatments.

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Learn how cancer rehabilitation can benefit the patient

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Learn what hemochromatosis is and learn, in a simple way, the most important aspects of this pathology that is usually silent.

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In this article you will learn about the top 7 prohibited foods for hepatitis and learn about the most important aspects of this liver disease.

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Doctors Pedro Rivas, Mia Schmiedeskamp-Rahe and David Choi clarify doubts in this regard.

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Is the role of the psychologist essential in the treatment of liver diseases?

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Learn more about pediatric liver transplantation and its causes.

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The‌ ‌‌liver‌ ‌is‌ ‌a‌ ‌wonderful organ, ‌ but ‌when ill, it shows‌ ‌consequences.

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Immunosuppressants prevent graft rejection.

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Entérate de todo lo relativo al trasplante de hígado infantil, las causas que lo provocan, el diagnóstico, el proceso y más, de la mano de dos especialistas, el doctor Pedro …

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Conoce en qué consiste el plan de alimentación de nuestros pacientes.

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Te preguntas, ¿cómo es la vida después de un trasplante de hígado? Conoce la respuesta con Auralys, una paciente de la Fundación:

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Este 28 de julio de 2019 se celebra el Día Mundial de la Hepatitis y que mejor manera de hacerlo que trasmitiendo en una sola voz, el mensaje de la …

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Proteins are essential for the formation, growth and renovation of every cell in our body.

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A new meeting between the Plaza de la Salud General Hospital and FundaHigado America took place during the month of November, raising hopes of implementing the transplant program in the …

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Dr. Tomoaki Kato is the founder and Vice President of Fundahígado America along with Dr. Pedro Rivas Vetencourt, President of this institution, they have been the main advocates of pediatric …

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Find out more about the origin of our Fundahígado America program.

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90% Of Malignant Liver Tumors in Children Under 4 Years of Age Are Hepatoblastoma

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The Childhood Cancer rate is growing and it’s our duty to educate ourselves about it.

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Do you know about EOSinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders?

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Giving Tuesday is a global movement that encourages the act of giving.

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Fundahígado America is a nonprofit organization committed to provide access to pediatric liver transplant surgery Latin America and the Caribbean’s most vulnerable countries.

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On June 12th we celebrated he first International NASH Day, an important step towards the promotion of liver disease awareness.

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The most common deadly diseases in Latin America and the Caribbean could be eliminated with the implementation of medical programs.

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The reality in terms of healthcare in Latin America and the Caribbean is complex, part of the population of the countries in this region have no timely access to quality …

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Programs such as Fundahígado America facilitate the evolution and execution of services related to healthcare in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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One of the most dangerous diseases that affects a huge part of the world population each year is hepatitis, specifically hepatitis B.

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FundaHigado America is one step closer to initiate a children’s liver transplant program in Dominican Republic aiming to offer a healthy future for children in the Caribbean country.

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Do you know how you can help your favorite foundation? Here you will find four easy and trustworthy ways to collaborate with us.

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FundaHigado America aims to educate professionals, turning them on the best doctors on the liver transplant field.

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Have you thought about saving children’s lives while you are shopping on your favourite e-commerce?

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Emilio Estefan met with the FundaHigado America directors and discussed exciting plans for the future of the foundation.

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Guatemala it’s the first country to be part of the FundaHigado America project.

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The fashion designer and member of FundaHigado America Board Carolina Herrera, won the Founder’s Award the past June.

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All about the foundation that has helped hundreds of children in Latin America.

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Génesis is 3 years old and was born in Costa Rica with a congenital liver disease.

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La Diseñadora de modas Carolina Herrera llevará a cabo el  Segundo Evento Anual de Recaudación de Fondos  FundaHigado, Fundación América, junto con el Dr. Pedro Rivas Vetencourt, cirujano venezolano de transplante de …

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Para ir a la galería de imágenes, haga clic en el enlace. Vanity Fair – Una velada con Carolina Herrera en beneficio de FundaHigado America

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Lejos de venir como protagonista de alguno de los grandes eventos de moda de nuestra ciudad, Carolina cambió esta vez los hilos y las agujas por los niños pobres y …

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Famous Fashion Designer Ms Carolina Herrera, along with Ms Carolina Lanao, Mr Rodner Figueroa , and Drs Pedro Rivas Vetencourt and Tomoaki Kato President and Vice President of FHA respectively …

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Carolina Herrera host Second Annual Fundraising Event.

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Grateful for everyone´s support at our Fundraising event at the PAMM this April 6th. We hope to see you soon and continue counting on your support.