Génesis is 3 years old and was born in Costa Rica with a congenital liver disease.
Liver Cancer: Common myths you need to be aware of
Fundahigado America was founded in 2011. It is a non-profit tax-exempt 501(c)3 created with the purpose of promoting efforts to train healthcare professionals to provide medical treatment for liver disease in undercover areas of the Americas and Caribbean region.
Children with liver disease in Caracas, Venezuela had no hope for treatment; here is how in 2004 we changed that.
We train health care professionals in Central America, South America and the Caribbean.
A medical training and virtual assistance app for pediatric liver diseases including liver transplant.
Aimed at health professionals and patients:
Doctors: will obtain high-level training for medical care for pediatric liver diseases, specifically, those requiring pediatric liver transplantation.
Patients: You can receive virtual medical assistance for pediatric liver diseases.
Making the knowledge and training associated with pediatric liver transplantation accessible to medical centers in underprivileged countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
To donate any other desired amount, please visit donate
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Making the knowledge and training associated with pediatric liver transplantation accessible to medical centers in underprivileged countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Dianny had already had 4 episodes of heavy bleeding, she could have died of bleeding of the esophageal varices she had or due to her liver which was already completely cirrhotic.
The best thing I could do as her mother, who gave her life, was to improve hers. I wasn’t able to do this before. She was born with this problem, and as her mother I was able to cure her by giving her a piece of my liver. Now she is perfect.
After having it done I felt a lot better, and I´ve always felt normal since. I was always afraid of the transplant, I didn´t know how I would respond or what was going to happen and after having it done I felt a lot better, and I´ve always felt normal since, I have not had any issues.
I invite everyone who can be a donor to not be afraid.
At the beginning before the surgery I was really afraid even though I had read a lot about it. For me it's a big emotion to give life to another life. I invite everyone who can be a donor to not be afraid.
Making the knowledge and training associated with pediatric liver transplantation accessible to medical centers in underprivileged countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
For more information send us an email or reach us (or contact us) in social media.