
Bringing Hope Today

Bringing Hope Today
Do you know how you can help your favorite foundation? Here you will find four easy and trustworthy ways to collaborate with us.

Have you ever brought hope to someone? Have you ever saved someone’s life?

Being part of a project with such importance as Fundahigado America brings joy, hope and life to many children in Latin America and the Caribbean, who couldn´t otherwise improve their health for economic reasons.

With your support, we will be able to work on education programs to train healthcare staff to successfully perform a liver transplant in underserved areas, thus, save hundreds of children that are ill and in need of a liver transplant.

There are four easy and trustworthy ways to collaborate with us:

The first one is through our own site https://www.fundahigadoamerica.org. Click on the “Donate button” and select the amount of money you want to contribute with. This particular way is part of an exclusive program. You can choose a bronze, silver or gold package.
This option works with PayPal, which means that you need to have the money available on this platform.

The second way is through Amazon Smile. Select the Fundahígado América link from the long charity list and the platform will automatically share 0,5% of your purchase with our cause.

The third way is using the GoFundMe platform. All you need to do is search for our charity and donate the amount of money you want to help us with. It doesn’t matter how much you donate, every penny counts!

The fourth method we offer is buying our calendar, which is available on our site for $15. The calendar has all the necessary information, so you can learn more about our work and why it’s so important to support it.

Last but not least, every year we all need to pay taxes. So, you can help us and help yourself, contributing to our cause. As a 501c3 we are a tax-deductible charity organization.

If you are curious on how to deduct taxes, please do not hesitate in contacting us!

All you have to do is choose which one of these options suits you best. Donate today!

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Génesis is 3 years old and was born in Costa Rica with a congenital liver disease.


Elías is a young adolescent with an advanced liver disease.


Jin received a segment of his father´s liver in May 2015.