
GUATEMALA becomes the first country to grant permission to start FHA activities

GUATEMALA becomes the first country to grant permission to start FHA activities
Guatemala it's the first country to be part of the FundaHigado America project.

Pedro Rivas, Tomoaki Kato and Mikhael Iglesias traveled to the Central American country representing the FHA team. Guatemala became the third country where they traveled to in order to meet up with members of the government and ultimately sign an agreement. These are the necessary procedures in order to set up the training and educational program for doctors in the country, thus establishing the Fundahígado América transplant program.

The international non-profit organization that began its work in 2011 works non-stop in order to provide training and education to doctors in Latin America about pediatric liver transplantation. Through this work the foundation aims to promote social development on the central American country through access to these complex medical services.

During May, part of the foundation’s team -Dr. Pedro Rivas, Dr. Tomoaki Kato and psychologist Mikhael Iglesias- traveled to Guatemala to sign an agreement with the Minister of Health in order to begin the educational program and training exchange. These steps represent the formal commencement of the establishment of the transplant program.

Productive days for the foundation.

The first day of the trip, they met with the Guatemalan Minister, Mario Figueroa, with whom they talked about the agreement between Fundahígado América and the government of Guatemala. They were granted permissions to initiate the activities.

A trip full of achievements.

Members of Fundahígado América met in Guatemala with Mayor Edwin Escobar, who has been a very important ally, providing support since the very beginning as well as willingness to implement the program in the Central American country.

Part of the activities carried out by the Fundahígado América team in Guatemala included visits to health centers such as the Roosevelt Hospital and the Herrero Llerandi Private Clinic.

In Roosevelt Hospital they had a meeting with the Director of Pediatric Surgery Department and they talked about the organization´s wishes and the work they want to implement. They also discussed some cases of patients with advanced liver diseases requiring a transplant.

In addition to meetings held in the medical area, Fundahígado América team was able to meet with local companies that could become involved with the organization once the transplant program is implemented in said country. The best example of this can be found in the participation of Estefan Nautilus, President of the construction equipment and heavy machinery company CEMACO, who was open to collaborating with the institution.

Fundahígado América plans to visit Guatemala again before scheduling the first transplant. The medical training will be subsequently carried out based on medical cases and enrolled applicants for the educational program. These will be progressively built together with the team, which will guide these doctors in the various areas that are needed to perform a liver transplant.

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Génesis is 3 years old and was born in Costa Rica with a congenital liver disease.


Elías is a young adolescent with an advanced liver disease.


Jin received a segment of his father´s liver in May 2015.