
The World Comes Together to Give Back Through Social Media

The World Comes Together to Give Back Through Social Media
Giving Tuesday is a global movement that encourages the act of giving.

After enjoying Black Friday and Cyber Monday, comes a day exclusively created for positive action that represents an important change in the world. Giving Tuesday originated in New York, thanks to the 92K Street organization and the United Nations Foundation.

The main goal of Giving Tuesday is to dedicate the Tuesday after Thanksgiving to encourage and promote the creation of social initiatives, giving people an opportunity to give back. Any task that you want to do is valid, it could be volunteering, donating food, medicine or money, even lending your time to share it with someone in need.

Giving Tuesday will be successful, if you want to contribute to a good cause.

Since its beginning in 2012, people and organizations have been joining this movement non-stop. According to the GivingTuesday webpage, last year ended with a participation of over 150 countries that raised a total of 300 million dollars, 2.5 million online gifts and 21.7 billion posts on social media with the hashtag #GivingTuesday.

This year, Fundahígado America, as a health organization, will participate in this movement throughout different social media and online platform activities. Each one of them created to achieve our main goal: to change the lives of our liver patients.

If you wish to join this movement through our Foundation, we will share with you how to do it so you may help us bring a smile to millions of children suffering from liver disease in Latin America and the Caribbean:

  • Look for our organization on Amazon Smile: Fundahígado America is part of a long list of organizations that you may help with your Amazon Smile purchase. Make the most of Black Friday or Cyber Monday’s sales, it is the perfect moment to purchase those products you wanted so much, and help hundreds of children at the same time!
  • GoFundMe: our campaign on this platform is always active. Through this outlet you are free to choose how much you want to contribute and by doing so, we can keep you informed about the activities that become possible thanks to your donations.
  • You may purchase the shirts we have specially designed for this day through the Fundly platform. With each purchase you contribute to raise funds for our liver patients.

Would you like to participate in any of our activities? Share with us which one you would like to do.

Apart from all of these activities, we will be informing you through our digital platforms with the hashtag #GivingLiverTuesday, a hashtag created specially for all participants to share information regarding our cause during this special date . Follow us and share the positive deeds you make during this special day, which can change the lives of millions.

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Innovations in Liver Care

Discover how technological innovations like robotic-assisted surgery and personalized medicine are revolutionizing liver care and improving patient recovery in hepatic surgery.

By understanding and embracing these advancements, we can ensure that patients receive the best possible care and outcomes in liver surgery.

Influence Liver Health: Diet and Exercise

Discover how diet and exercise affect liver health and get practical tips for maintaining a healthy liver with balanced nutrition and regular physical activity.

By making conscious decisions about what we eat and staying active, we can protect our liver and enjoy a healthier life.

Fundraising and Liver Transplantation

Explore how fundraising makes liver transplants accessible, alleviates financial burdens, and improves patient outcomes and quality of life.

By emphasizing the human aspect and employing effective fundraising strategies, we can collectively support those in need and promote a healthier future for all.



Génesis is 3 years old and was born in Costa Rica with a congenital liver disease.


Elías is a young adolescent with an advanced liver disease.


Jin received a segment of his father´s liver in May 2015.