
Budd-Chiari Syndrome: How does it affect the liver?

Budd-Chiari Syndrome: How does it affect the liver?

Budd-Chiari syndrome, also known as hepatic vein obstruction, is a condition that prevents the cycle in which blood leaves the liver and returns to the heart

The syndrome occurs as a consequence of total or partial blockage of blood flow from the liver by blood clots, which can occur at any point in the small and large veins that carry blood from the liver (hepatic veins) to the inferior vena cava.

Being more specific, Budd-Chiari syndrome could be generated when a clot produces a stenosis or a blockage of the hepatic veins that drain the blood out of the liver. In this article we will discuss the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of the disease.

Causes of Budd-Chiari syndrome 

Blockage of the hepatic vein can be caused by a tumor or growth pressing on the vessel or by a clot in the vessel (hepatic vein thrombosis). this is caused by conditions that increase the likelihood of blood clot formation, which can be:

  • Abnormal proliferation of cells in the bone marrow (myeloproliferative disorders).
  • Cancers
  • Chronic autoimmune or inflammatory diseases
  • Infections
  • Inherited or acquired blood clotting problems
  • Oral contraceptives
  • Pregnancy

Symptoms that detect Budd-Chiari

  • Stretching or swelling of the abdomen due to fluid in the abdomen
  • Pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen
  • Vomiting blood
  • Yellowing of the skin (jaundice)

Diagnosis of the syndrome by professionals

Recurrent indicators taken into account by physicians in making the diagnosis of this syndrome are:

  • Hepatomegaly, ascites, liver failure or cirrhosis without obvious cause, even after testing.
  • Abnormal blood test results to assess liver function, along with disorders that increase the risk of blood clot formation.

Oriana Arenas, redacción

Pasante de contenidos Fundahígado América

Eugenia Jiménez Alvaréz, revisión

Asistente a la coordinación Fundahígado América

Licenciada en Ciencias Biomédicas

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Génesis is 3 years old and was born in Costa Rica with a congenital liver disease.


Elías is a young adolescent with an advanced liver disease.


Jin received a segment of his father´s liver in May 2015.