
World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day
This article highlights the significance of World Cancer Day and addresses liver cancer, emphasizing the importance of prevention and advanced treatments in this global battle against cancer.

World Cancer Day: It is commemorated on February 4, and aims to raise awareness and educate people about cancer in general, promoting prevention, early detection and treatment. The initiative emphasizes the importance of adopting healthy habits and supporting those fighting this disease.

World Cancer Day: What is cancer?

Cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that can invade surrounding tissues and organs. Its global impact is significant, affecting millions of people and their loved ones.

What are the causes that lead to it?

The causes of cancer are diverse, including genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Known contributors include tobacco consumption, excessive sun exposure, an unhealthy diet, and lack of physical activity.

healthy liver
Physical activity helps prevent these types of diseases

Liver cancer?

Liver cancer is a common and dangerous form of cancer. Risk factors such as cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis B or C infections, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can increase the likelihood of developing this disease.

World Cancer Day: a healthy liver is vital for our health

Symptoms of Liver Cancer?

Recognizing the symptoms of liver cancer is crucial for early detection. In the early stages, signs may be subtle or absent. Still, as it progresses, they can include unexplained weight loss, abdominal pain, persistent fatigue, and a feeling of fullness after eating small amounts. The onset of jaundice and yellowing of the skin and eyes may also indicate liver issues. Education about these symptoms is paramount for timely medical attention.

World Cancer Day: What modern treatments are applied to patients with liver cancer?

Treatments for liver cancer have advanced significantly. Options include surgery, radiofrequency ablation, liver transplantation and others. Targeted therapy, such as inhibiting specific cell growth points, has proven effective in some instances.


Daniela Malavé Montilla, writing
Bachelor in Mass Communication

Eugenia Jiménez Alvaréz, editor
Assistant to the coordination of Fundahígado América
Bachelor in Biomedical Sciences

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Innovations in Liver Care

Discover how technological innovations like robotic-assisted surgery and personalized medicine are revolutionizing liver care and improving patient recovery in hepatic surgery.

By understanding and embracing these advancements, we can ensure that patients receive the best possible care and outcomes in liver surgery.

Influence Liver Health: Diet and Exercise

Discover how diet and exercise affect liver health and get practical tips for maintaining a healthy liver with balanced nutrition and regular physical activity.

By making conscious decisions about what we eat and staying active, we can protect our liver and enjoy a healthier life.

Fundraising and Liver Transplantation

Explore how fundraising makes liver transplants accessible, alleviates financial burdens, and improves patient outcomes and quality of life.

By emphasizing the human aspect and employing effective fundraising strategies, we can collectively support those in need and promote a healthier future for all.



Génesis is 3 years old and was born in Costa Rica with a congenital liver disease.


Elías is a young adolescent with an advanced liver disease.


Jin received a segment of his father´s liver in May 2015.